Happy New Year to E-PLAYAFRICA readers

Dear reader of this portal, I am glad that you were with us in this difficult year 2021 and read the news prepared especially for you. As the Editorial Board, we try to find interesting information from the African gambling market and search the world media for the most interesting news about global gambling.

Unfortunately, this year was not full of interesting events or business news. Most of the regular fairs did not take place, in many countries the lockdown was returning as the evil spirit, even in South Africa casinos and arcades were closed once again. However, the position of online entertainment providers has strengthened, which may already be a long-term trend in the future.

This Year was difficult, there is no need to hide it. With the next COVID 19 strain, the Omikron release, the next year may be just as difficult and unpredictable. But let me be wrong.

Dear Reader, I wish you much loyalty in using our portals. Your comments are important information for us, we want to change for you. We look forward to your every vote, critical or glorious. After all, we do not write into the air, but for specific recipients.

May the next Year 2022 bring big changes, if they are necessary in your business, or keep the present state for those who are satisfied with the current situation. However, I wish everyone good luck and a lot of health, because is there anything more important?

See you next year

Iwo Bulski
E-PLAY publisher


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