President Ruto names National lottery taskforce to review betting and gaming industry

President William Ruto has appointed a task force on the establishment of a National Lottery, that will oversee structures and systems in Kenya’s gaming industry.

The 22-member committee will serve for a period of three months from February 16, 2023. The presidential task force has been split into two tiers, namely the steering committee and the technical committee. Ruto has appointed Dr Raval Narendra to chair the technical committee. He will be deputised by Gideon Thuranira.

Other members include representatives from various ministries among them the Ministry of Interior, the National Treasury, Social Protection, Culture and Heritage, a representative from the Solicitor General’s office and the Council of Governor’s office.

Tier two of the presidential task force (the technical committee) will be chaired by Dr Linda Musumba. She will head the team comprising of Wanjiku Wakogi, Dr Eric Aligula, Collins Kiprono, Peter Mbugi, Fred Mbasi, Geoffrey Malombe, Eric Korir, Wilson Njenga, Catherine Ochanda, and Murimi Murage as members.

The team will among other things:

“Develop the policy and implementation plan that will guide the operationalization of the National Lottery and recommend comprehensive reforms that will support and facilitate a sustainable framework for the implementation and operation of the National Lottery.”

In a circular dated February 17, the task force is also expected to regulate its own procedure, and hold public forums and consultations to consider measures necessary in discharging its mandate. Appointment of the task force, Ruto said, is aimed at promoting a responsible betting and gaming culture in Kenya.


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