Uganda’s Betting Sector: Revenue surges amid push for responsible gambling

That is to say, Ugandans are gambling a lot. It means, among other things, a huge responsibility for NLGRB to ensure the existence of proper safeguards in the industry.

The government collected sh183b in tax revenue from the gaming industry in the last financial year. The projections for this year exceed that number by at last sh70b.

And that is not all, as Denis Ngabirano, CEO of the National Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board (NLGRB) revealed in an exclusive interview with New Vision Sports recently.

“The sector employs over 10,000 Ugandans directly, and that is a big number in terms of employment. Also, these operators are paying rental income, we have over 2,000 betting shops.”

It all adds up to an industry that grossed sh4t in revenue last year, up from sh500b the previous year. That is to say, Ugandans are gambling a lot. It means, among other things, a huge responsibility for NLGRB to ensure the existence of proper safeguards in the industry.

“NLGRB’s core mandate is to supervise and regulate the establishment and operations of casinos, lotteries, and sports betting, and most importantly, protect the citizens of the public from adverse effects of gaming,” – explained Ngabirano.

The enforcement of that mandate means constant interaction between NLGRB and key stakeholders, including gaming companies, media, fellow government bodies, and, of course, the public.

Responsible player

For online betting company 22Bet, for instance, the commitment to operate responsibly has taken on various shapes and sizes. Besides subscription to the regulation of the NLGRB, which is mandatory for all the 59 gaming operators currently registered in the Uganda industry, 22Bet have a charity known as the Thx22 Foundation that oversees the company’s social activities.

During the recent celebrations to mark World AIDS Thx22 Foundation partnered with the HIV Positives Football Club the Benda Foundation in an initiative to combat stigma towards people living positively. The commemorations included a football and the provision of financial support towards the HIV/AIDS treatment by Thx22 Foundation.

“By supporting this event, we hope to contribute to the national effort to combat HIV/AIDS and improve the lives of those affected by the virus,”

– said head of marketing 22Bet Collins Bongomin.

Fight goes on

Initiatives such as these are crucial for an industry that comes with its fair share of complications, primarily addiction. For all the calls to bet responsibly, many look at gambling as a livelihood or path to wealth.

That is a recipe for trouble, which trouble the NLGRB and companies like 22Bet are mandated to guard the public against with clear and endless calls for responsible behaviour.


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