Why you should quit gambling as a youth

Gambling is a very bad lifestyle and should be avoided by any youth or young man that wants to make it big or be great in life. This is because many people have experienced great backwardness and stagnation as a result of this lifestyle.

Gambling no doubt has favored many persons and turned life around especially in sports betting. However this cannot be compared to the level of youths this activity is frustrating in Nigeria every day.

As a victim of this lifestyle I can confidently tell you that I have played sports bet for 8 years and had nothing to show for it but heartbreaking experiences, backwardness and frustration. Especially when you try making it your source of income and you do not bet responsibly.

Young people who indulge in this lifestyle, may find it difficult to be productive or creative for the betterment of themselves and their future and they will often find the shortest way to success through this means which never exists anyways.

Many people have lost opportunities and misused privileges as they continue to play with the hope of winning someday and up not using their hard earned money for anything good or profitable to themselves which puts them in depression and frustration.

No doubt the level of unemployment in the country is very bad and leaves the with no hope for the future and this is one reason why many youths subscribe or channel their energy negative lifestyle such as gambling as way of survival but most time end being for frustrated and depressed and gives birth to other social vices.

Truth be told, the gambling sector has employed many youths and as well enriched those who invest in it as agents in different parts of the country. However if you must gamble it is better you do it responsibly but it is best to totally avoid it to avoid regrets later in life.

Source: ng.opera.news

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